VETURA d.d. POREČ (here is called « Lessor ») rents vehicles to « Renter » whose personal details are on Page One under the following terms and conditions:

1.    Renter agrees by his signature and admits ledges regulations of the rental agreement:

a) that the prices and other terms of lease specified in the valid price list are  accepted as an integral part of the contract

b) that he is 22 years of age up to a maximum of 75 years old and is possessing a valid driving license for 2 years at least for the car Group A,B,C,D and/or,

c) that he is 30  years of age up to a maximum of 75 years old and possessing valid driving license for 5 year at least for the car Group  E,F,H,I,K,L

d) that he is in possession of a valid credit card  with an expiry date after the due check-in date (return of vehicle),  for those charges that have not been prepaid (such as extras, refueling charge, traffic and parking violations, excess due in the event of damage to or loss of the rented vehicle). A refundable security deposit will be held from the credit card until the vehicle is returned. The exact deposit is determined on collection since the amount is depending on the vehicle group.

e) a valid ID card or passport is required at time of pick up

f) that he will return the vehicle on the specified date on Page One (or sooner) upon demand of Lessor

g) the vehicle will be supplied with a tank of fuel and must be returned with the same level. If the fuel level is not the same upon return, and some of it is missing, a charge of € 2,00 per liter plus refueling fee of € 7,00 will be applied

h) that he will ask Lessor to prolong the rental agreement 48 hours before its expiration

 i) to maintain the rented car properly and take all necessary care during the rental

 j) that he will not use the car:

I) when under influence of alcohol

II) for any illegal purposes (criminal deeds, violation of customers and foreign exchange regulations)

III) for instructing drivers

IV) to carry passengers of property for a consideration expressed or implied

V) for propelling or towing any vehicle, trailer or parts thereof

VI) in motor sports events

VII) that he will use the car for his own need without renting or lending it to the third person

VIII) that he will drive it himself or have it driven by a person he has authorized (provided that such a person is 22 years of age at least, duly qualified and licensed) who will be entered in box « second driver », on the rental agreement

IX) not to overload the rented car with persons or good over the permitted maximum

X) that he will not cross Croatia’s border without Lessor's permission

XI) that he will not make any change of parts, assemblies or equipment on the vehicle

XII) that he will bear all the costs of gasoline consumed

2.     In case of violation assessed against any regulation or terms in Part 1., the Renter agrees to indemnify Lessor of any damage arisen therefrom, to the amount of which is established by Lessor.

3.     Oil and lubricant costs, as well as those of regular maintenance, excluding during the rental, will be refunded to Renter against presentation of the receipt.

4.     Upon first demand of Lessor, Renter is obligated to pay:

a) daily rental charges and mileage covered as well as other charges at the rate for the rented car specified in current rate told by the Lessor

b) fines assessed against Renter in connection with the use of the vehicle caused throughout Renter's fault (traffic and parking violations)

c) all costs and attorney's fee derived from collecting outstanding due from Renter

5.     Should the Renter not pay rental charges within agreed terms, Lessor is entitled to charge interest

6.     In case the rental charges are not settled, Lessor will take legal steps against Renter for collecting his outstanding charges

7.     While using the rented car, Renter is insured against public liability according to Croatia's Law of regulations and insurance requirements, whereas the vehicle is insured against fire and theft

8.    Renter is obliged for damages to the rented car during the rental, as well as for idle period of the damaged car while under repair, if caused throughout Renter's fault. The loss arisen during the idle period is established at the amount of fixed charge of daily rental according to current rate folder. At check-out time Renter may take insurance against the said damages by paying daily insurance premium stated in current rate folder.

9.     Disregarding the eventual purchase of the SCDW – the renter is liable for:

a) any damage to the vehicle if an accident/damage is not reported to the police

b) any damage to the vehicle that the renter or his authorized « second driver » has caused under the influence of alcohol or drugs

c) for damages caused intentionally or by negligent driving

d) if the driver was not in possession of a valid driving license at the time when the damage occurred

e) filling up with the wrong kind of fuel: € 200,00

f) loss of keys or documents of the vehicle: € 270,00 

f) any damage made to tires and/or vehicle glass during rental

10.  Loss of damage to Renter's property and goods in or on the vehicle will not be indemnified by Lessor.

11.  Lessor does not warrant indemnity derived from:

a) delay in providing the vehicle

b) any damage to the vehicle occurred during the rental

12.  Renter agrees to protect the interests of Lessor and it's insurance company in case of  accident by:

a) obtaining names and addresses or parties and witnesses involved

b) not abandoning the damaged car, safeguarding and securing the same

c) informing the nearest Vetura station of the damage in the soonest way possible, even if a slight damage is concerned

d) calling the Police immediately for investigation in case of heavier damage or if people are injured, as well as in case of someone else's evident quilt

e) supplying the nearest Vetura station with written detailed report on the accident

13.  Should Renter tail to meet all requirements of Part 12. in case of an accident, he will be liable  for all consequences and damages therefrom.

14.  Any alternation or the terms and conditions of this rental agreement is valid only if confirmed in writing by both contracted parties.

15.  Renter acknowledges that details on the signed rental agreement can be transferred to the third party for the purpose of protecting collection of outstanding.

16.  In the event of conflicting views in interpretation of the two versions here of, the Croatian version will consider official.

17.  In the case of a dispute, the Contracting Party agrees to the actual and local jurisdiction of the court according to the seat of the lessor.

18.  If Renter settles rental charges by his credit card, he authorizes Lessor by his signature overleaf to bill total charges at the account of the particular card issuing organization.

19.  Renter, legal entity, is liable to pay rental charges as per the Invoice issued within 8 days upon termination of the rental, namely termination of monthly rental.

20.  Payment Methods - All major credit cards are accepted (VISA, Master Card)

21.  Out of hours -  Out of hours service from 21:00 - 7:00  is available for € 20,00 per rental.

22.  In the price is included:

a) daily rent

b) unlimited kilometers (does not apply to Cargo Vans and Mini Buses)

c) collision damage waiver (CDW)

d) third party insurance  (TI)

e) Value added tax (VAT) - 25 %

f) FREE cancellation up to 48 hours before your pick-up

23.  The price does not include:

a) Fuel

b) Options and extras

24.  The deposit for booking is refundable in case of cancellation 48 hours before pick-up time.


Before signing the Car Rental Agreement, make sure you have read its dispositions which refer to all important costs and insurances you have chosen.

Examine the car to make sure there are no damages. ONLY THEN SIGN THE CONFIRMATION.

This procedure is essential to determine possible damages during your rental. 



„VETURA“ rent a car i turistička agencija d.d., sa sjedištem u Poreču 52440, Trg Joakima Rakovca broj 2.
Društvo je upisano u registar trgovačkog suda u Rijeci,  MBS: 040105620, OIB: 76275026209.
Temeljni kapital društva iznosi € 92.900,00 uplaćen u cijelosti, podijeljen na 100 dionica, bez nominalnog iznosa.
IBAN:  HR4624840081135393251,  SWIFT Code: RZBHHR2XXXX, u poslovnoj banci Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. sa sjedištem
Magazinska cesta 69, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska.

Predsjednik Upravnog odbora: Dean Filipović,  Izvršni direktor: Zoran Jekić
Vetura rent a car ® is a registered trademark of Vetura d.d. / je registrirani zaštitni znak Vetura d.d.


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